Hepatitis C (Hep C)
Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a contagious viral disease that is mainly spread through blood-to-
blood contact. More than two million people are living with Hep C in the United States.
Over time, it can damage your liver. There have been more deaths related to Hep C
than HIV in recent years.
There are many ways Hep C can be spread:

ï‚· Receiving a blood transfusion or organ transplant before 1992
ï‚· Receiving needlestack injuries in healthcare settings
ï‚· Using unsterilized tattoo equipment
ï‚· Sharing personal items such as razors or toothbrushes
ï‚· Having sex with a person infected with Hep C
Hep C Treatments
Cure rates are generally 95% or higher.
Some common side effects are headache and tiredness.
Twelve weeks or less of treatment are needed for most people.
Pills are taken orally.
Here are a few steps to being cured:

Talk With Your Healthcare Provider
Understand Treatment Options
Know Your Coverage
Begin Treatment
Get Your Results
Protect Yourself
Source: HEPCHOPE.com